why join
roller derby?
Learn new skills and challenge yourself
Meaningful friendships & camaraderie
Healthy competition and sportsmanship
Staying active, exercise
A place for all body types
Outlet for stress relief
Give back to the community
Awesome names
Take it from us: Roller derby is a demanding sport. Though we may experience mental, physical, and emotional struggles while learning, roller derby is also enriching and immensely rewarding. The first steps are the often the most difficult, but that’s normal! No one begins roller derby as a protégé. Curiosity and an enthusiasm to learn are common qualities among our skaters. Before you know it, the question "I wonder if I can do a crossover today" will evolve into "I wonder if they even saw me coming!" You, too, can do this!
Juniors age 7-17—all genders—are invited to join the Cherry Blossoms’ inclusive/open-division junior training program.
Adult women and gender-expansive individuals as outlined in the WFTDA statement on gender are invited to join the adult league or as skating officials in training.
Male-identifying adults are invited to join as skating officials-in-training.
We also recruit for non-skating volunteers who want to join our community and support our games!
We teach you everything! Before joining roller derby, most of our current adult skaters had not skated since they were young children, or had never skated before at all!
All new league members begin with a two-week “boot camp” to learn about roller derby, form new friendships with their recruitment cohort, and begin acclimating their muscles to roller skating. Skaters then begin with practices designed for beginning skaters to learn the fundamentals of quad skating including moving forwards, backwards, stopping, turning around, falling properly, etc. Skaters move up in levels at their own pace and with the encouraging guidance of coaches. -
Quad skates, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guard, water bottle, athletic shoes.
Our favorite locally-owned skate shop— Hit This! Derby Gear—is conveniently located on-premises for all your roller derby, park, and recreational skating needs. Text AlixHer (617-309-6099) to set up a one-on-one appointment to get outfitted for your needs and budget.
Our junior league offers gear rentals for those just beginning to learn about roller derby. Please contact Burt Thomas for more information.
New skaters begin with a two-week, off-skates “boot camp” to begin learning about roller derby and acclimating new muscles to the sport. Our practices are broken up by skill level, allowing our new skaters to learn the fundamentals of skating while gaining confidence. Each skater moves up in ‘levels’ as they progress in mastering skills at their own pace.
Once a skater is ready and has completed their “minimum skills requirements,” they are eligible to try-out for teams if they wish; Or, if they prefer, they may choose to continue to skate at practices and modified contact scrimmages or mash-up bouts.
Junior levels 1/2: Tuesday & Friday late afternoons
Junior level 3/teams: Sunday afternoons, Tuesday & Friday late afternoonsAdult beginning: Monday & Wednesday evenings
Adult intermediate & advanced: Wednesday & Friday evenings
Adult teams: Tuesday & Thursday evenings“Skate 100” and Endurance practices are non-contact bonus practices and open to all ages and skill levels (Sundays).
Adult alumni skaters can drop in to Skate 100, Endurance, and any practice for which their skills are cleared.
See our current practice schedule here.
Not much! We are a non-profit organization and our member dues go directly towards keeping our league running so that we all have a place to skate. Cherry City Roller Derby also offers financial assistance to members experiencing financial hardship.
Adults: $35/month + $75/year WFTDA Insurance fees + 4 volunteer hours* per month
Juniors: $20/month + $20/year insurance fees + 2 volunteer* hours per month
Alumni: $15/month
Drop-in: $5/visit
Officials: Free!*League service hours help us keep our member dues low.
As a member led and operated non-profit, we depend on our amazing volunteers and community members. We welcome volunteers in a wide variety of roles, including but not limited to:
On-skates referees & off-skates officials
Ticket, merchandise, raffle sales
Bout announcing, music DJ-ing
Crowd control, security
Administration, accounting
Operations & facility maintenance
Graphic design and marketing
Fundraising, grant-writing, seeking sponsorships & donations
Transfer skaters: Please email membership@cherrycityrollerderby.com for next steps to learn about joining Cherry City.
If you are a visiting, returning alum, or or drop-in skater, please go here: Transfer & Visiting Skaters .
take the next step
Take a peek at our events calendar for our next information & recruitment night. All you need to bring are your questions (and your parent/guardian if you are under age 18).